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On3Learn has two pricing options. We are happy to discuss either option with you to ensure your specific needs are met.
Course Purchase Option 1 - All Access Pass Annual Subscription
The annual subscription allows state commissions or AmeriCorps programs to pay one flat rate for access to all current and future courses available during their annual subscription period. The rate for State Service Commissions is based upon CIF allocations and the rate for AmeriCorps programs is based on the number of grant-awarded members.
AmeriCorps Operating Programs
State Service Commissions
AmeriCorps Planning Grants
Course Purchase Option 2 - Per Seat
The per seat basis option allows you to purchase one or more seats for a particular course or audience.
Staff Courses - $200/seat
Site Supervisor Courses - $50/seat
AmeriCorps Member Courses - $25/seat
Applicant Courses - $50/seat
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